Within the EDU Roma project, Hungarian project partner Láthatár Közhasznú Egyesület, has organized a thematic conference on 23rd February 2022 in Pécs. It was supposed to be a kick-off conference at the beginning of the project in January or February 2021, but due to the Covid-19 situation, it has been modified into a thematic conference.

The representatives of Croatian partners, Maja Holek, Slavko Franjo and Irena Babić, were also attending the conference.
The day before the conference, on the 22nd of February 2022, all four project partners held the 3rd Project Team Meeting in the organization of FUND Art School, that is, Hungarian partner Cigány Szociális és Művelődési Módszertani Bázis. In the afternoon of the same day, Hungarian partner Láthatár Közhasznú Egyesület has organized an interesting visit to a film studio.
The conference on the next day started with greetings from all project partners and continued with a presentation on EDU Roma cross-border project, held by Maja Holek, the headmistress of POU Koprivnica.
Afterward, Dr. Beck Zoltán, a senior lecturer at the Department of Romology and Sociology of Education and also the headmaster of the University of Music (ZEN) at the University of Pécs, Hungary, held the representation of Roma people in movies.
It was followed by the presentation of Roma people in Croatian cinema, held by Daniel Rafaelić, Croatian film historian, director, writer and actor.

Afterward Dr. Andl Helga from the Department of Romology and Sociology of Education at the University of Pécs, held the presentation on the topic of Inclusion and education.
The last on the program of the conference was an interesting panel discussion on the topic of Inclusive society – from multiple aspects. The panelists were Daniel Rafaelić from the Croatian side and Hungarian actor Horváth Kristóf.
According to the feedback from the participants at the conference, they all agreed that the conference was very interesting and successful.